Jezie Jewelry

As I am on my Tumblr blog, I come across a picture of a seriously cute necklace.  It is a heart that has an arrow that spins to land on “yes,” “no,” or “maybe.”  

This is part of Jezie Jewelry products.  Pretty much the coolest necklaces that I have seen in a long time.  

Stephanie, the owner of this company, started it when she was 15 years old in 2010! How impressive is that?!

Needless to say, I am going to be purchasing many items from this website! (:Image

Intern: Good or Bad?

Have you ever been an intern?

For anyone? Or even a company?

I have.  I am right now.  

I must say it really isn’t as bad as I thought it would be!  If you forgo the fact that I am A) working for free, and B) not doing it for a school credit…. it really isn’t shabby.  

I think the reason why I like being an Intern for Paige Novick in NYC is because everyone who works here is very down to earth and friendly.  I get to come to the office at 10am and leave by 6 pm only 4 days a week.  Tell me that isn’t ideal?! 

I get to play with jewelry, learn about all the things that make a company work, and I get to hang out with awesome people all day!I think my favorite thing that I have done here is help another woman who works here, Nicole, take instagram photos.  She puts Paige’s jewelry on me and I model it while she snaps pictures of me doing poses!  I really feel like a model sometimes haha…

Now I’m not saying that all interns everywhere are the best thing- it really is a hit or a miss.  There are some internships that treat the intern like crap and make them do all the dirt things that no one else in the office wants to.  Thank goodness that is not how it is here!  

I definitely recommend for rising college students to look around and apply for internships anywhere!  It has been a great experience thus far being a southern girl living in NYC for the first time… on my own!  Granted, I’m still on my parents money budget… but it has been amazing and I would love to do this in LA next summer!  



Humanity on the Internet

So I got my Tumblr blog about a year ago and I am actually OBSESSED with it.

My friend Lindsay Glosson is the one who introduced me to it so when I started up I was only following her and reposting the pictures that she would reblog.  I was living and breathing Tumblr.

It goes to say that when I first started blogging, everything on Tumblr was smiles and unicorns. Literally.  There were so many smiley faces and unicorns that were being reblogged by everyone.  It was nauseating.  But lately it has been very, very different.

Now when I log onto Tumblr, I can’t scroll down for more than a minute when I see posts about people who are depressed, sad, or even suicidal.  Sometimes I even see bullying posts that are just plain not okay.  It is hard to stop or help any of this since anyone can post things “anonymously,” therefore hiding their identity.

I must say, however, that there is a bright side to this.  While there are so many hateful things going on on the internet, as I see the suicidal posts, I see so many other people who are trying to help those in need. For instance, the most recent post I read was from a girl who screen shotted another girl’s suicidal post and said “everyone please reblog this and help this beautiful girl.  She is important in this world and she needs to see that.”  I looked at the blog count, and over 1,000 people had reblogged the post.

That post isn’t the last one I’ve seen.

I see them everywhere!  People trying to help people who need a friend.  Just someone to talk to.  There are some advice blogs where anyone can ask the person a question or just tell them about how bad their day has been going.  These advice blogs are great and in my honest opinion, I think that they are helping kids all around the world who are struggling.

So thank you nice Tumblr people.  You are bringing kindness back to the human race.

Thank you.

New York Cityyy

So I have been in New York City so about 3 weeks now and I must say…. it is quite a change from being in Cornelius, North Carolina!   My parents told me that there are crazy people everywhere and they are right!  No matter where I go there are crazy people to my left and right!  People who talk to themselves, people who are so drunk out of their mind that they are staggering everywhere, and people who are dressed as if they got dressed in the dark!

While I have only been here for a little while, it has definitely been one of the most fun places I have ever been.  At any time of the day there is always something to do no matter where you are in the city.  Last night at midnight, I was STARVING, so all I did was walk down the street and there was a delicious pizza place open so I got to grab a slice to eat!  Of course, it was expensive, but what places in NYC aren’t?!


I will keep everyone updated on my adventures in NYC because let me tell you…. this is a very exciting place!

Trading Places The Merchants of Nairobi

Taken by Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom first encountered the merchants of Nairobi when he was working on his book Living Africa in 2008 while he went out to capture the diversity of this country.  He took mostly street pictures with the occasion of some portraits of the people who owned special shops or hotels.  The picture shown above is a street picture of two men sitting outside a small shop.  He has put together a collection of 138 color photos in a book that has small stories about different people.  He would take a portrait picture of someone and have a small bio about then along with some pictures of the shop, hotel or daycare around the person.  It captures the true heart of Nairobi in its raw essence.  To find out more about this photographer and this book you can visit this website.



Stop motion videos show many, many pictures that are taken immediately one after another.  They are put together to created a movie-like video, where each picture continues a story.  I chose to blog about a skittles one that I came across.  There are a lot of stop motion videos that really didn’t catch my attention, but because of the colors of the skittles and the creativity of this video I really enjoyed it.  There are so many different options of how to create images and words with skittles that it was perfect for a stop motion video.

I hope you enjoy it too!


Going onto, I watched some tutorial videos on how to edit pictures using photoshop.  I watched videos on how to change colors, use cool effects, and sharpen images.  I chose some of my own pictures and edited them just as I had learned.

I first watched a video on how to change a picture into sepia.  I had to go to the “curves” tool and change the green, then blue, then red parts of the picture to get it to the certain color sepia that I wanted.

Next I watched a video on how to change the sunset.  Some pictures are overexposed due to the bright sun, so I wanted to see how to fix that.  I first had to make a new layer and go to color balance and change it to how much balance I wanted in the picture.  I then went to levels and changed the levels some to make the sun less or more bright.  I then played around with the saturation and exposure to get the picture just right!

I then learned how to add light for emphasis.  I went to color balance and worked with the highlights and shadows to bring out the blue in the skirt to add emphasis on the walls and the blue in the other shirt.  I didn’t mess with anything except for the color balance just so that the colors would stand out more.


I watched a tutorial video on how to put lighting into a photo.  I took one of my pictures that had mostly sky and went to filter, render, and then clouds.  which I then went back and clicked on difference clouds, which made them more into lightening bolts.  I changed the format to black, made a mask, and then went (with my paintbrush) over everything I didn’t want and changed it back to the normal picture.  In the end, I put some lightening bolts going into the parasail! Stereo Type


Going online to, I watched a show where Johanna Blakley talks about Social Media and the end of gender.  She talks about how advertising companies used to base their advertisements on what certain ages like.  They still base it off of the same demographics.  However, it is getting harder to track this online. So now they are basing their facts off of social media and they can see what people click on in order to base their advertisements on what people want to see and hear.  They are putting their audience first and according to Blakley, women users are outnumbering men users.  Social media is growing everyday and new ways to find out who to advertise to are helping companies.